Politics, Sex & Cocktails 2022
Wednesday, September 21, 2022 | 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Virtual Streaming to begin at 7:15 pm
Rincon Beach Club in Carpinteria

Join us either in person at the Rincon Beach Club or in the comfort of your own home for an evening of fun, entertainment and info on the future of our work! All sponsorships/tickets include light dinner and cocktails. If you prefer to not attend this event in person, you may also choose to sponsor or buy a ticket and attend virtually, but that does not include any food/drink deliveries.

All guests must provide proof of full COVID-19 vaccination in order to attend all in person events event. Please send a copy of your vaccination before the event to development@ppcentralcoast.org. We will be accessing COVID 4 weeks prior to all events to ensure the health and safety of our guests and staff.


Click here to register to attend the event online only (free)

Giraffe Award Recipient Senator Monique Limón

Senator Monique Limón was elected to the California State Senate in November 2020 and represents the 19th Senate District, which includes all of Santa Barbara County and more than half of Ventura County. Senator Limón served as the Assemblymember from 2016 to 2020. Born and raised in the 19th Senate District, Monique has worked continuously as an educator, leader, and an advocate for causes advancing the quality of life in her community.

In the State Assembly, she served as the Vice Chair of the Legislative Women’s Caucus from 2018-2020. She has been a champion for women and working families ensuring access to paid family leave and early childhood education. She has advanced policies, such as AB 406 (2019) to strengthen access to paid family leave and AB 378 (2019) to create stability in California’s early care and education workforce. Her voting record has received a 100% score from Planned Parenthood.

Monique’s roots go deep in the 19th Senate District. Her extended network of family and friends include a range of small business owners and educators in the community.

Honorary Event Committee:

Jonathan Abboud, SBCC Board Vice President
Dawn Addis, Board Member
Elena and Tim Anderson
Mark Asman
Madhu Bajaj
Lisa Bass
Lucille Boss
Congresswoman Julia Brownley
Lois Capps
Suzy Cawthon
Susan Christol-Deacon
Margaret Connell
Gunilla and Jim DeArkland
Gina Fischer
Dana Goba
Liora Goodman
Geoff Green
Dr. Charlotte A. Gullap-Moore DNP, MSN, APRN, ANP-BC
Oscar Gutierrez
Rev. Julia Hamilton
Supervisor Gregg Hart
Supervisor Joan Hartmann
Zoe Hinck
Tania Israel
Former Senator Hannah Beth Jackson and Judge George Eskin (Ret.)
Chana and Jim Jackson
Rachel Kaganoff Stern
Susan Keller and Myron Shapero, MD

Honorary Event Committee:

Jacquelyn Klein-Brown
Kristen Klingbeil-Weis and Karl Weis
Angie Swanson-Kyriaco and Goleta Councilmember James Kyriaco
Barbara S. Lindemann
Terri Lisagor
Sheila Lodge
Deborah Longstaff Lynch
Vianey Lopez, Councilmember, City of Oxnard
Edie Lycke
Pam McLean, Ph.D.
Julie Mickelberry
Rev. Dr. David Moore
Dawn Ortiz- Legg, District 3 Supervisor, SLO County
Michelle Patrick
Erica Reyes
John and Mary Romo
Starshine Roshell
Sally Russ
Maryan Schall
Karen Schloss Heimberg and Richard Heimberg
Christina Schowe
Ayesha Shaikh, MD
Melissa Smith and Charlie Hale
Judy Stapelmann
Hannah Sullivan
Carrie Towbes and John Lewis
Carla Valdez and Alan Barkwill
Wendy Wheeler Smith
Donna and Patrick Will
Das Williams

Paid for by Planned Parenthood Central Coast Action Fund PAC (PPCCAFPAC) and Planned Parenthood Central Coast Action Fund (PPCCAF)

Contributions made to the Planned Parenthood Central Coast Action Fund (PPCCAF) and the Planned Parenthood Central Coast Action Fund PAC (PPCCAF PAC) are not tax-deductible for federal or state income tax purposes. 60% of all contributions for Politics, Sex & Cocktails will be deposited in the PPCCAF PAC (FPPC ID #1278950) to support state and local electoral work, and 40% of all contributions will be deposited into the PPCCAF (FEIN #77-0304037). Your donation may be used for political purposes such as supporting or opposing candidates.